E-Fed o wrestlingu.
1.Bret Hatt
3.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xo_NuELw … re=related
4. * Bulldog, sometimes from the second rope
* Dropkick
* Enzuigiri
* Figure four leglock, sometimes while using the ringpost for extra pressure
* Headbutt, sometimes to to the opponent's lower abdomen
* Inverted atomic drop
* Kip-up, often from a prone position
* Multiple pinning variations
o Backwards flip out of chokehold into cover using turnbuckle
o Crucifix
o Inside cradle
o Roll-up
o Sunset flip
o Victory roll
* Multiple suplex variations
o Bridging / Release German
o Snap
o Vertical, sometimes from the top rope
* Pendulum backbreaker
* Russian legsweep
* Seated senton to an opponent's leg draped over the first rope
* Second or top rope dive into either an axe handle elbow drop or a side elbow drop
* Sleeper hol
* Standing legdrop
* Stomp to the opponent's abdomen
* Suicide dive
* Swinging neckbreaker
5. * Finishing moves
o Sharpshooter
o Spike piledriver